Be Easy
Sep 05, 2022I am so emotional about the beginning of the school year. More emotional than usual. I just had to take a pause and try to talk out my feelings. My kids are getting older and so it is definitely a difference preparing them for the first day. I want them to have a good day. The house is meh… well at least in some areas but I’m not going to spend the rest of the night cleaning up. It’s like everything around me is in a state of calm. I don’t feel tense, worried, or anxious, even though I know I have so much to do. Part of my emotion is the satisfaction of seeing my joy work… working. Learning to release control and float through my day has just been a better way of life for me. I have a lot of responsibility on me…don’t get me wrong… but I am getting better at moving through life like a person with limited hours in the day. I don’t want to go back to being that person who feels like work never ends. This time last year, I remember suffering from terrible tension headaches. It was like if things couldn’t be done in a specific way I wasn’t satisfied and even worse, I would spiral. I was so freakin' hard on myself…about everything… and that hurt me physically and mentally. I feel grateful to be at this place… on this day. That’s the emotion I’m feeling. It’s gratitude.
Be Easy…
Love, Dr. Joy
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