How do we sustain our joy as educators during challenging times? It is not easy. In fact, it takes intention, endurance, and bravery. Dr. Joy focuses on the importance of taking ownership of our joy and offers eight skillfully written lessons to support the journey. She provides an opportunity for readers to go through an authentic process, encourages insightful solutions, and values the voices of other educators. Get ready to put in the joy work! Learn more
Some days are not so easy. Learning and practicing strategies for coping with challenges is important for both kids and adults. We all know what it is like to have a difficult moment or day. How we choose to respond can make all the difference. Learn more
Algunos dĂas no son tan fáciles. Aprender y poner en práctica estrategias para superar desafĂos es importante tanto para niños y adultos. Todos sabemos cĂłmo es tener un momento o un dĂa difĂcil. CĂłmo escogemos responder puede hacer la diferencia. Aprender más